Variety Can Still Be The Spice Of Life

Variety used to be the spice of life. More recently over the last decade, we as a society have somehow accidently attempted to eradicate that. So many of us frantically and desperately try to get everyone around us to not just understand our personal beliefs, but to adopt them as well. I cannot help but wonder why?
Why do we need others to believe what we believe?
That is a question I invite anyone and everyone to sit with. (Even myself!) As a collective, when we feel passionate about an idea, a value, a moral, or a belief, do we need everyone to agree with us? If so, why? If 5 people agree and 10 people do not, does that weaken our relationship to said belief? Does it threaten what we each hold onto so tightly? Our ego(s) may tell us that is exactly what is happening, but I assure you, it isn’t. Let’s discard the desire to fight, overexplain, and persuade. We can choose to stand grounded in what feels right for individual self, without needed to get everyone else on board. Trust yourself, your faith, and your journey without needing an entourage to back you up. Allow the freedom that we all so desire to also be gifted to others. Hold space for all people as they choose their ways of being, points of view, values, religious beliefs, political parties, personal morals, careers, life paths, and so much more.
In short….today’s blog is a general invitation. Gift others the freedom to experience life however they choose to experience it, just as you are free to do the same. (Besides, how boring our planet would be if we were all the same.) New ideas and fresh perspectives are what helps co-create conscious expansion and soul growth. We no longer have to fear variety. Embrace the melting pot that is us humans. Enjoy the differences. Trust the unfolding.