Pouring from a FULL cup

Majority of us have heard the saying, “You can’t pour from an empty cup!” Which is a wonderful quote to remember during times where you may feel overwhelmed or underappreciated. A gentle reminder for us to slow down, take time for self, and make sure personal needs are getting met is often necessary to avoid burnout. We all love helping our friends, family, co-workers, and community, but we cannot offer ourselves at max potential if our own metaphoric “cup” is empty.
But what if we are not running on empty? What if our cup is FULL? What can we pour out for others? This is a question I have been asking myself all weekend. For those reading my blogs, as you can tell from my most recent blog, “Choosing to Never Grow Up,” I live a life of leisure. It would be a mistake to assume I have an endless supply of resources to lend out, willy-nilly. I wish I could hand over my car keys to the co-worker struggling to balance her 3-jobs with an Uber schedule, or hand over a blank check to the local animal shelter, nearest church, or each single-mom I cross paths with. But would I be able to maintain such assistance, long term? The answer is, No.
My current perspective on helping community is that this is a marathon, not a sprint. So, I asked myself, “What do I have available to offer the world around me, that I can maintain consistently and without fail?”
To my fellow humans, here is what I can offer you:
A safe space — Your name is safe in my mouth. Sh*t talking is old hat and frankly, no longer even entertaining. I choose not to participate.
Acceptance — Everyone is whole, perfect, and beautiful exactly as they are.
Personal Cheerleading — There with a positive affirmation, a compliment, a hug, a high five, or a shoulder to lean on.
Active Listening— An ear to hold space for someone while they share their ups & downs during their human experience.
Mindfulness — Staying aware of my own behaviors, triggers, and ways of being to be sure they are copacetic with the Greater Good.
Judgment-Free Zone — Nobody has quite yet mastered life or what it means to be a model human. We are all a beautiful work in progress, evolving/learning/growing each year.
Silliness — Being silly and playful is my favorite. I wouldn’t know how to turn it off, even if I tried. Expect the silliest of lighthearted jokes at my own expense! Laughter really is its own medicine.
Authentic Vibration — Each one of us radiates our own little individual and unique energetic vibrations. Like an energetic fingerprint! Mine, (now more than ever) is a frequency of Universal LOVE.
Care-Free Intent — My intent each day is to navigate sunrise to sunset with as much lightheartedness as possible. My “princess of positivity” demeanor is half natural/organic, and half because I choose it. Our planet is not without its fair share of traumas and tragedies, so I do my best to add to the optimism of Earth, rather than add to its fears, negativities, and senseless dramas.
Accountability — Unfortunately, sometimes we accidently hurt someone’s feelings without even realizing it. It is not important to be perfect, but it is important to be accountable. A heartfelt apology is never something I would shy away from. I am flawed and open to uncomfortable conversations about what I may need to do or stop doing, to create a healthier pathway for connection.
…this list has not just been fun to create, but also enlightening in its own right. Having it here, in black & white ink, invites a new level of commitment to being of service to others. I am certainly no humanitarian, but the intention and efforts are all there, 100%.
When your own cup is full, what can you pour out of it?