Love; Verb.

My perspective on love may not be common, but I do not know how to be anyone else other than myself. Believe me, I’ve tried. Numerous times in the past, I spent countless efforts attempting to water-down this giant personality of mine, tame these wild-child desires, put out my own inner flames of passion, and hold back everything that feels so natural. For me, love is not just a feeling, but a state of being. A belief. Its own religion. Love is a practice, a choice, an action, and a verb. It is a something so powerful and beyond this Earth, that it radiates out of my every human pore, even when I try to hold it back. When I stand in the mirror, I no longer see “Me.” There is no me. There is only my shinning spirit, who agreed to come forth into this realm, utilizing a skinsuit that was created in an act of love to keep me anchored on this weird, spinning rock.
Society unanimously recognizes love as romance and lust, but it is my personal belief that romance, and lust might only be the beginning of what opening the door to what a more spiritual love can look like. Years ago, a mentor gently corrected me when I told her how much I loved her. She took her soap box stance and educated me on how carelessly humanity throws that word around. She claimed that love was sacred, and she kept it only for her elite. There was an extremely small circle in her life where she would profess love for them. “I love you” was a sentence she rarely spoke, and she looked down upon those who said it so freely. To her, an abundance of “I love you” was fake, overused, and had somehow lost value among the masses. Her perspective was her truth, and her feelings are 100% valid.
…My core screams something oh so opposite, though.
“I love you” is something I cannot say enough. Our planet needs it. So many of us have simply forgotten that love is something we ARE. It is what we are made of. It is where we come from. And it is where we go back, after our temporary human experience. Love is the blood in our veins, the air in our lungs. It is beyond sex. It’s so much larger. Love is my reason for being alive. My physical body is nothing more than a vessel that connects Heaven to Earth. This body lets me stay, experiencing all that is human, and to bring forth unconditional love to everyone in my space. Everyone. There is not a running checklist in my head of those that “deserve” love or those that do not. Every living creature in this reality has the God given right to access love, both from within themselves and from their environment. Perhaps it is this kind of love that will also WAKE UP in others, whether they realize it or not.
Love so hard, it rattles. Maybe it will catch people off guard, trigger what still remains uncomfortable, and then perhaps plant seeds of limitless possibilities. Love that new friend, old friend, or ex-friend. Love that co-worker, that boss, that family member. Love those in your life and love those that aren’t. Send loving thoughts from afar. Hold everyone in your heart so deeply, it can be felt by anyone, anywhere, anytime. Let love transform. Let it transform you and those on your path. Let unconditional love transform co-workers into acquaintances, acquaintances into friends, and friends into family. Love those that don’t love you back. Love those that forgot how to love themselves. Love those that wish to be in your life and those who don’t. Let love heal. Let love lead. Let love remind you how to forgive, how to overcome, and how to grow. Let love inspire. Let love be that constant river that you flow down, solo or with a whole tribe.
There are plenty of Vlogs, Blogs, and Podcasts out there teaching us how to have boundaries, leave unhealthy dynamics, and end toxic situations. I applaud those resources, as they are also necessary to navigate through life. But just for today, just for this particular blog, I have confessed to you what feels extremely organic to me. People will come and go, as their soul contracts allow, push, and pull them to do so. A soul contract does not change my intent. I will love you now, as you are in my life. I will love you forever, if choose to float on into the great wide open. The ebb & flow of our personal lives is fluid and ever changing, but how I choose to love, isn’t. I love forever. My love is eternal. All love is eternal…if we let it.