Let Them Go

You have fought so hard to become the person you are today. You have grown when you could have stayed small. You have stood up when you could have stayed, laying curled up in the fetal position on the bathroom floor, contemplating your very existence. YOU ARE NOT THE SAME VERSION OF SELF THAT ONCE EXISTED. You are wiser, stronger, and kinder. Today, you lead with compassion, empathy, and patience. You faced your shadow self, head on! You have learned about your own toxic cycles, broke through your unhealthy patterns, got off that self-sabotage merri-go-round, and carved a whole new way. You created NEW neural pathways in your brain and shed layers of yourself you didn’t even realize existed.
YOU ARE FINALLY THE VERSION OF SELF YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO BE. But not everyone will see it. Not everyone will be interested. Not everyone will even believe it. LET THEM GO. Not in anger, nor with judgement. Do not hold them in contempt. Just simply accept what is and let them go. Spending the rest of your life trying to “prove” yourself is like chasing the eternal carrot.
And most importantly, love who you once were because it was the rocket that launched you into today.
This incredible place of today.