Election Day; Let Compassion Be Your Weapon.

As we rapidly approach Election Day, I invite us all to exhale. Like most election years, tension is sadly and typically in the air. This time, however, it is obvious to the majority that this vote is a big one. The division among us that I have witnessed already is heartbreaking, but understandably human. Many of us get so passionate about our beliefs and personal values that we cling to them as if they were our only form of identity. It is common for all us humans to feel insecure, nervous, and even subconsciously threatened when someone âchallengesâ our religious views, political views, and other core values. How we see our ourselves and the world around us is important to all and our Egos can easily go ablaze when others are not agreeing. But maybe our Egos need a deep exhale and possibly a small nap.
What if a disagreement wasnât seen as a challenge to win? What if a disagreement wasn't even an argument? What if we choose to allow every human being to exactly who they are and allow them to choose to believe in whatever they choose to believe in? What would that look like for humanity?
I wouldnât dare take a guess as to who is going to take Presidency. Maybe this will be an incredible change for America or maybe this will be a total disaster. Regardless, letâs choose to gift each other with compassion. I cross paths with at least a hundred people a day, to which I can guarantee I do not share the same beliefs with them all. And you know what? It just doesnât matter. I cannot control others, and I cannot control the world around me, but I can control my own thoughts and behaviors. Even as I cast my vote tomorrow, immediately following that is a total surrender. When I am not feeling that a person is exactly trustworthy, I still trust The Universe. I trust my guides, my Angels, and my Spirit team. Though I am saying, âmyâ as if they are specifically mine, they are not. Call it God, call it Source Energy, call it whatever you would like. It is all the same and it has got our backs, 100%âŚevery single time. Spirit is with each one of us through our messy and wild human journeys. Even though humanity is not at its peak greatest yet, we have certainly come along way, and I am proud of us. As a society, we have made leaps and bounds in equality and unity, to say the least. Sure, we have more improvements to be made, but thatâs the path! Contrast and challenge will always be part of the human experience, but it most definitely isnât the reason for the human experience. You are not sliding into your bodies JUST for the hardships. We are here for love, joy, and togetherness. The hardships, traumas, tragedies, and challenges are used to LAUNCH us forward. When we can clearly see what isnât workable, we start to get really clear on what is workable. When we know what we donât want, we know what we do want.
Let compassion be your weapon of choice. Soften your defences. Exhale. We do not need to push our values, morals, and personal beliefs on others. It is absolutely okay, safe, and healthy for friends, family, and co-workers to have a variety of perspectives. Hold each other in your hearts and send prayers to the sky. When we do not feel confident in the world around us, feel confident in your faith. Whatever that looks like for you. Be of love, kindness, and compassion. This human experiance is temporary, but that impact we make on each otherâs souls is eternal.