Dear Lightworkers…

The term “lightworker” can easily be defined as someone who is here to help light up the dark corners of this world. An individual rumored to transform themselves, others, and humanity in ways that are positive, up lifting, and loving. This is an open letter to those said Lightworkers.
Please don’t give up. It would be easy to take notice to all the moments your efforts seem to be lost among the masses. I assure you, they are not. You are planting seeds and inspiring new ways of being, fresh perspectives, and inviting others to remember just how powerful they are. Attempt to silence your own human ego as it can flare up from time to time and lie to you…trying desperately to convince you that you are failing. You are NOT failing. Humanity is absolutely shifting. The media wants us to see only the horrors in the world, but there is so much love out there as well. We cannot dare deny the contrasts of this human experience, but we are without a doubt elevating the vibration of this planet, together.
Some people will be drawn to your light like a moth to a flame, instantly attracted, intrigued, and curious. They may utilize your bright light to jump start their own new path of possibility and your bond with them will forever be eternal. A friendship for life, rooted in mutual appreciation and gratitude.
Some people will despise your light, convincing themselves that it must be fake or perhaps it triggers in them a form of envy. Maybe your natural joy just currently reminds them that they are not yet in alignment at the moment and ready to create their own happiness. Everyone is on their own path and growing in a variety of ways, and at their own time line. Do not judge their judgements.
Some people will be a blend of both of the above; drawn to your light at first then quickly grow resentful of it. They may torn between their own light and darkness from within, unsure which path to choose. These friendships can often result in a push-pull effect. Be patient with their wobble and trust that your paths will cross only when it is Divine for everyone.
My dear Lightworkers of this Planet, you are so truly needed and cherished. Please, keep going! Let people be exactly where they are. Continue to express compassion, forgiveness, and empathy. And most importantly, BE YOU. Just keep being you. No matter what.
You’re making a bigger impact than you realize. Xoxo